Archive for October 10th, 2010


Who do you write for?

These past few days have been completely crazy, with some projects starting, others coming to an end and the usual random events that life throws at you just when you think you’ll be able to manage it all. And when your day is packed, some things are inevitably postponed, while the ones that must be done are done hastily. I’m referring to this blog, of course, but here’s what’s making the whole situation more interesting for me:

I’ve come to the point where I’m writing about one of the most important themes to me – my search for what I am passionate about and why I feel finding one’s passion is so important. However, due to time constraints, I have significantly less time and, more importantly, concentration for writing than usual – and yet, because I started writing on this subject, I feel like should really stick to it until I explore it from as many angles as I can right now.

So every post in the past few days was written with a lot more struggling than usual, and each time I felt like I should maybe write about something else –because that would be easier and because I don’t want to treat this subject lightly.

But that got me thinking: What does it exactly mean, in my case, to treat the subject lightly? Am I writing for an audience or for myself? Can’t I think of my writing like of tango: Sincerely in embrace with my subject, writing for the two of us, inspired by the music of impressions from all around me? Aware that our many dances of words will also influence and are influenced by those dancing next to us, while the best way to deal with those on the sidelines is to ignore them?

Most importantly, am I striving to have the best dance ever, or the best possible one in these circumstances? This is not my grand moment of writing about my biggest thought ever. I’ve realized that already I have repeated myself often in my posts, but in my case, that’s part of the entire point. Important thoughts should not be shouted once every ten years – they should be spoken softly in many forms every day, so that we all not only hear them, but listen to them as well.

October 2010